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Developer Workflow

Or, A Day in The Life of Dojo Developer

If computer restarted

cd ~/code/dojo
make up

Follow Important Service Logs

From terminal:

List services

docker ps

Important when services failing (ensure all services are present / started correctly)

Dojo API Logs

docker logs -f dojo-api

RQ Worker Logs

docker logs --tail 100 -f dojo-rq-worker

Inspecting Elasticsearch state and contents

By default, one of the docker containers started in the stack is the Kibana developer tool. It'll connect to the running elasticsearch service on the default port, and allow users to inspect indexes, their document count, and use a developer notebook which issues REST requests to elasticsearch. The "notebook" is actually Kibana's "Dev Tools" section

... image goes here ...

which allows developers to get and search documents, filter and aggregate, inspect, modify, delete, create, etc.


  1. Link to Kibana and Elasticsearch documentation for current version
  2. Share images or videos of the experience
  3. Create article.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

See Common Problems for common issues and steps for their resolution.

Deploying to Production

See Production Deployment for requirements and steps.